Snow Biking
Green Canyon Single-Track
Nordic United partners with Cache Valley Snow Bikers who groom a single-track trail in Green Canyon that parallels the cross-country ski trail on the road, crossing it several times. In 2019, NU helped fund the purchase of a "Snowdog" single-track groomer. Fatbikes with tires greater than 3.8" are required by USFS regulation. Please follow the appropriate signage and stay on the single-track trail to preserve the cross country ski trail grooming. See the Cross-Country Skiing page for more trail information. Please avoid biking on the groomed cross-country ski trail (except at crossings) particularly when there is warm weather. Deeper holes and ruts can take the volunteer groomers additional hours to smooth over. Note that e-bikes are not permitted in Green Canyon in the winter by the USFS on either the road or single-track (only the road in summer). Providence Canyon Single-Track
The single track in Providence Canyon sees significant traffic and may be adequately compacted for snow biking. Nordic United does not groom Providence Canyon Other Grooming Reports Single-track grooming updates are also often posted on the Cache Valley Fat Bike Collective's Facebook page. Tony Grove Road, Franklin Basin Road, Beaver Creek, Swan Flats These roads are groomed primarily for snowmobiles by the State of Utah but can be used for snow biking as well. The best times are early in the morning after the groomer is finished but before the snowmobilers begin using the road. The Utah Snowmobile Association has grooming reports and scheduling updates on their website. |
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Nordic United is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Donations are tax-deductible. PO Box 3352, Logan, UT 84323 [email protected] |